Integrated Management Unit

Note: To be assisted in person, it is mandatory to make an appointment:

Preregistration and enrolment deadlines

First time for first year students

Preregistration: From June 6 2019 to July 8 2019.

Enrolment: Students admitted to the studies offered by this Campus,

  • can register online at > GRADOS > MATRÍCULA > MATRÍCULA POR INTERNET, using their username and the preregistration password given to them. In addition to doing their self-enrolment within the established term, students must send, within said term, the corresponding supporting documentation duly collated or certified, in accordance with procedures established in Law 39/2015, of General Administrative Procedures.
    Avda. Madrid,50
    34004 Palencia
  • or in person at the Integrated Management Unit, having previously requested an appointment at


  • First list July 12 2019 > Enrolment from July 12 2019 to July 18 2019
  • Second list July 25 2019> Enrolment from July 25 2019 to July 29 2019
  • Third list September 5 2019> Enrolment dates: 5 September 2019 and September 6 2019

Other students


  • From June 25 2019 to July 15 2019
  • From January 28 2020 to February 3 2020 (Only for second semester subjects)

Self-enrolment modifications:

  • From July 16 2019 to July 19 2019

Students from resit exams at degree ending

Enrolment: within the previously mentioned official terms.

Exams: On dates established by each school.


  • Until November 22 2019.
  • Final Degree Project or Final Master’s Project : December 20 2019.

Compensation boards

  • First request term for Degree: From September 9 to September 13 2019.
  • Second request term for Degree / Master: From February 12 to February 18 2020.
  • Third request term for Degree / Master: From July 8 to July 14 2020.

Deadlines to request admission to continue official university studies of Degree/Master

  • From May 14 2019 to June 20 2019.
  • View enrolment dates at the Secretary’s office.

Deadlines to request admission to adaptation of discontinued programs

  • View dates at the Secretary’s office

Official Masters

Enrolment: Students admitted to the Master’s studies offered by this Campus, can register:

  • Online at > MÁSTERES > MATRÍCULA > MÁSTERES GENERALES > AUTOMATRÍCULA ON-LINE using their username and the preregistration password given to them. In addition to doing their self-enrolment within the established term, students must send, within said term, the corresponding supporting documentation duly collated or certified, in accordance with procedures established in Law 39/2015, of General Administrative Procedures.
    Avda. Madrid,50
    34004 Palencia
  • or in person at the Integrated Management Unit, having previously requested an appointment at

First time for first year students

  • Preregistration:
    • First term: from February 6 2019 to May 23 2019
    • Second term: from May 31 2019 to July 12 2019
    • Third term: from July 19 2019 to August 29 2019
  • Enrolment:
    • First list of admissions: May 30 2019 > Enrolment from May 31 2019 to June 5 2019
    • Second list of admissions: July 18 2019 > Enrolment from July 19 2019 to July 24 2019.
    • Third list of admissions: September 5 2019 > Enrolment: from September 7 2019 to September 11 2019.
    • Extended enrolment: from February 3 2020 to February 7 2020 (Only for subjects of the second semester)
  • Enrolment modifications:
    • From September 17 2019 to September 25 2019.

Other students

  • Students enrolled in previous years:
    • Enrolment from September 6 2019 to September 11 2019.
    • Enrolment from February 3 2020 to February 7 2020 (Only for subjects of the second semester).
  • Enrolment modifications:
    • From September 17 2019 to September 25 2019.

Transfer of credits

Requests for transfer of credits must be made at the Integrated Management Unit, within the enrolment terms established by the Uva. Students that obtain a transfer of credits must pay to the University the amounts established by the Autonomous Region of Castile and León for the corresponding year.

Suggestions, complaints and thank you notes

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